Whether you're an adult with learning disabilities or you care for someone with special needs, you don't need to do it alone.
Options weekend programs are caring communities that support AwLDs to reach their potential and lead a fulfilling life. And give carers some free time for themselves, confident that their loved ones are in safe hands.

it takes a village
Living with a learning disability is challenging. Especially in a world where people think disability means inability. And where society puts endless obstacles in the way of you living an easy or ordinary life.
That's why D&S set up its Options for Supported Living house in KL in 2006. And has been running it ever since.
As both a haven and a life-training opportunity for adults with learning disabilities. And as a way to build circles of support among AwLD families.
what is options for supported living?
The Options for Supported Living program provides a non-judgmental, friendly home-from-home for its AwLD members.
They gather at the Options house on weekends to hang out with their friends and to build the essential skills and confidence to live more independently. So they can take more responsibility for their own lives. And change negative public attitudes by showing the world what they're capable of.
The Options program is open to all AwLDs over the age of 18, no matter your degree of learning challenge.
However, our greatest challenge is having enough space and resources to meet the needs of the AwLD community.
The existing Options house is full. But, with the support of our donors and in collaboration with AwLD parents, we're developing new initiatives to create more capacity and touch more lives.
We'll tell you more about these exciting plans below. But first ...
HOW would an OPTIONS program HELP ME?
If you're an AwLD who wants to spread your wings and become more self-reliant and connected with your community, Options is for you.
On an Options weekend, you'd do daily chores, take part in all kinds of creative activities and go on outings with the group. And make a close circle of friends for life.
It's a fun and enriching space - filled with love and laughter.
And it's big on collaboration. We'll always encourage you and your peers to come up with ideas for the weekends, make decisions about activities and meals, and speak up if you don't agree.
Wondering what you'll learn to do at Options? Here's a taste:
Self-manage daily living tasks - so you can feel more empowered and self-sufficient
Cook nutritious food - so you don't have to rely on others for your meals
Keep your house clean and tidy - so you can feel proud of and at ease in your personal space
Shop for groceries - so you enjoy engaging in everyday adult activities
Take public transport - so you can relish your independence
Work as a team - so you become an integral part of the community
Explore your creativity - so you can discover what really interests you
Make decisions for yourself - so you can feel more in control of your life
Confidently express your opinions and preferences - so you make sure your voice is heard
Come up with plans and make them happen - so you can start to dream bigger
Drop us a line, if you'd like to find out more about opportunities for a place in an Options program or to arrange a visit to an Options house.
"Options gives my child the experience of living independently and discovering themself as an individual apart from the family,"
- Catherine, mother of Options member Philip
supporting parents to share the load
After two decades, D&S has stepped back from the day-to-day running of Options programs.
We now bring our experience to facilitating parent groups to set up their own Options houses. So, together, we can expand the reach of these precious spaces and change many more AwLD lives.
Would you like to have an Options program in your area? Get in touch to find out how we can help you make that happen.
Through comprehensive initial training and ongoing guidance, we'll empower you, as parents, to confidently create a thriving Options community for your children.
And to share the caring load across your new Options 'family'. So you have more time for your own self-care.

When you join an Options community you take a big step towards greater independence. For yourself and for all adults with learning disabilities.
When parents set up a new Options house, you create opportunities for more adults with special needs to lead fulfilling lives.
Whether you're an adult with learning disabilities or a parent carer, we'd love to hear from you.