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hire an adult with learning difficulties-and GIVE your business A BOOST

When you employ a Bake with Dignity on-the-job training graduate, you don't just change their lives. You build an inclusive company that's happier, more creative, more resilient and more productive.

Bake with Dignity AwLDs at cafe counter.jpeg

Many businesses would like to do the right thing, but worry that hiring an adult with learning disabilities (AwLD) may become a time-consuming burden.

That's why we're here - to bust such misconceptions and to pave the way for businesses to employ AwLDs with ease and confidence.

At Bake with Dignity, we provide job training for special needs adults and support for prospective employers. So more companies can welcome well-prepared, enthusiastic, loyal new employees onto their teams.

awlds: Locked out of the job market

Like the rest of us, most adults with learning difficulties want to work. Because having a job holds the promise of an independent and purposeful life.

But it's rare for disabled people to be employed in Malaysia. Just 1.4% of OKUs registered with the Department of Social Welfare are in formal work. So most remain at home, isolated and dependent on their families.


Why is it so hard for AwLDs to find a job?

Because of low public awareness. Most companies underestimate what they're capable of and so hesitate to take them on. Only 0.3% of private companies in Malaysia employ people with disabilities. 

Like other businesses, you may worry that ... an AwLD employee won’t perform well, that training and supervising them would be a drain on precious time and resources, that you’d have to make numerous complicated and expensive changes to accommodate them and that poor communications might lead to misunderstandings and friction.


The reality of employing AwLDs is different.​ Yes, good preparation is important - and we’re here to help you with that.


But the truth is that AwLDs make great employees ...

Bake with Dignity sales counter selling our cookies and cakes

Why Well-trained awlds make great employees

Numerous studies back up what we see daily at Bake with Dignity - that AwLDs have superpowers that are a boon to any business.

Here are just some of the reasons you should hire a differently-abled employee:

  • Get a diligent, enthusiastic and loyal team member
    AwLDs deeply appreciate the opportunity to work and value stability, so they’ll arrive punctually each day and stay with you long-term, lowering your recruitment and training costs.


  • Enjoy fresh perspectives
    Anyone who has spent their life navigating a world that doesn’t have their needs in mind gets good at solving problems. AwLDs bring their creative thinking and resourcefulness to overcoming challenges at work.


  • Boost workplace morale
    All the latest research shows that companies that employ people with disabilities have happier workforces and enjoy more supportive work environments. 


  • Increase productivity
    A happy workplace is a productive workplace. And your special needs employees' different ways of thinking will inspire new approaches that lead to greater innovation.


  • Break stereotypes
    When your existing staff work alongside AwLD colleagues, it shatters misconceptions and melts discrimination. So your team serves your disabled clients better - and your company does its bit to create a more inclusive Malaysia.


  • Enhance your reputation
    By building an inclusive company, you develop goodwill with your customers. Surveys show that customers feel more favourable towards and more likely to support businesses committed to social responsibility. 


  • Open new markets
    One in five people is estimated to live with some form of disability. When your company employs AwLDs, it reflects society and cracks open new, untapped markets.

what jobs suit awlds?

Adults with learning difficulties thrive in structured environments with clear expectations. 

So roles that play to their strengths include those that:

  • Involve practical skills learned through repetition

  • Value consistency and close attention to detail

  • Benefit from teamwork, collaboration and mutual support. 


Special needs adults tend to find jobs in kitchens and warehouses or in customer service, retail and admin roles.

But keep an open mind, because everyone is different.

The types of jobs that suit each person depend on their character and degree of learning disability. Some excel at more complex work and others shine with simpler tasks.

Job training for special needs adults in the Bake with Dignity kitchen
Matthew at Meltkies counter.jpg

simple steps to set your awld placement up for success

Hiring an adult with learning difficulties without careful preparation is a recipe for disappointment - for employer and employee.

Some of our BwD trainees had their confidence crushed by unhappy workplace experiences before joining us. These ordeals left them feeling like they'd never fit in - and left the companies unlikely to hire another AwLDs.


The outcome could have been very different with the right pre-employment preparation. Like ...

  • Training for both sides - when both sides are well prepared, you reduce the risk of misunderstandings and enjoy successful placements that draw on AwLDs' many incredible strengths.

  • Putting reasonable accommodations in place - the nature of learning difficulties makes it harder for AwLDs to pick up new things. So some simple (and mostly free) steps will smooth your transition to hiring special needs employees. Like allowing for flexible work hours, creating a ‘chill’ room for employees to take a brief time out, committing to clear communications and developing step-by-step instructions. Government tax incentives can help you minimise the cost of any accommodations.

  • Nurturing an inclusive culture - a sensitive, supportive workplace where all feel valued and respected will help your new AwLD team member settle in. It’ll also create the right environment for your whole team to thrive.

Not sure where to start? That’s where we come in …

we matchmake job-ready awlds with forward-thinking employers

At Dignity & Services, we believe everyone deserves the chance to work with dignity and purpose. 


But we're not looking for organisations to hire AwLDs as an act of ‘charity’. We're looking to create partnerships that benefit you and your new employee.

Our Bake with Dignity on-the-job training program:

  • Gives AwLDs the skills and confidence needed to find work in companies that value them.

  • Creates a pathway for inclusive employers to take on job-ready special needs employees.

How we support AwLD job seekers

Our 3-month on-the-job program takes place in the Bake with Dignity kitchen and cafe.

The training prepares our graduates for: 

  • Food preparation, kitchen operations or customer service roles
    In the BwD kitchen, our trainees pick up essential baking skills and learn to master recipes with precision. They're also drilled in proper sanitation, equipment safety and maintenance, and careful packaging and labelling.

    In the BwD cafe, our trainees practise client-focused skills like interacting confidently and building rapport with customers, taking food and drink orders, managing special requests and taking payments. They also learn to use coffee-making equipment and point-of-sale systems.


  • Any structured, task-oriented jobs
    Many of the skills outlined above are transferable to other roles. During their training, our graduates also learn to work effectively as a team and get to grips with fundamental workplace etiquette and time management (including prioritising tasks and meeting deadlines).


Whatever the role, our on-the-job training will ensure your new hire is well-prepared and save you onboarding time, costs and frustration.


But to guarantee your AwLD placement is happy and successful, we'll also work with your team ...

How we support potential employers

Before you employ one of our Bake with Dignity graduates, we’ll:

  • Spend time with you and listen to your organisation's needs, so we can match you with the right AwLD for the role.

  • Help you prepare for welcoming your new team member - with advice on accommodations and practices that will ensure your business makes the most of its big step towards inclusivity.

  • Advise you on government incentives for companies hiring OKUs that can help offset any costs of accommodating them.

We'll be on hand post-placement to make sure you and your employee get off to a great start.




When you hire a BwD graduate, you’re not just filling a role. You’re changing a life, enriching your business and building a more inclusive Malaysia.


But not enough companies in Malaysia give AwLDs the chance to show their skills and become valued employees.  

We have years of experience in providing the on-the-job training needed to ensure success. But we urgently need more forward-thinking employers like you to step forward to hire our graduates.

Not sure where to start?


Get in touch for an initial chat to ask any questions about hiring AwLDs. Or request a volunteer day for your team at Bake with Dignity so you can get a feel for working with special needs adults. 

Ready to welcome a dedicated team member who'll boost morale - and your bottom line?

hiring an awld is a win-win-win

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